Connections made today (and just before lunchtime alone):
- Writing Into the Day..."We can revise our life. We can revise our teaching....Think about revision in the largest sense, of imagining things as if they could be otherwise, as Maxine Greene says." (Katherine Bomer) ----> Walking into UNCC this morning, finished a conversation with my mom about my 25 year old cousin who needs to revise his life!
- Mary Ellen's Demo ...soooo many
-----> revision bit mirrored last week's sessions.
-----> creativity parts zoned in on my Institute piece, in a way, about sewing.
-----> creativity also made me think of making connections, making things better or different, adapting to make things fit...basically everything I am trying to do in the Institute.
-----> creativity is also what I'm thinking about for my inquiry. Repurposing the object activity is one that I'll try with the kids in my class.
-----> repurposing the object activity made me think of the Improv of naming something that it's not.
- Steve's blib about revision...add. -----> I had been wanting to add more to my Institute piece, the perfect time to do so.
- Cindy -----> I had been wondering if I'd see her, as she's the one who "got me into this!"
Jenny, I love that you are finding connections among all of your writing and thinking and living! I tend to focus on connections because I double-majored in English and history and was consistently bombarded with how one affected the other, but I don't think seeing the relationships that you are seeing comes naturally to many of our students. As a teacher in a STEM program, I had to guide my students to think about how all of their classes and projects were complementary. I don't think those connections happen all the time, but I do think that we need to help our students in looking for and recognizing those moments - they can lead to awesome things! I have a Daybook entry similar to your post above where I was mapping connections among classes during my senior year in college; those musings led to my thesis topic! I would love to hear more about the connections you are seeing during SI. Thanks for sharing.